China donates anti-Ebola medical materials worth 10 million Yuan to Sierra Leone in August 2014 (linked to #43867, #44754, #45062)
Commitment amount
$ 1796792.7365801418
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 1796792.74
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Sierra Leone
Emergency response (Code: 720)
Flow type
Project lifecycle
In August 2014, China pledged to provide emergency humanitarian aid worth 30 million yuan (4.9 million U.S. dollars) in aid to Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to help fight the deadly Ebola virus in West Africa. On August 8, 2014, Mr. Xu Zhou, spokesman of the Chinese Embassy, announced that China will add a batch of medical materials valued at RMB 10,000,000 Yuan (equally 1,626,000 USD) to support the Government of Sierra Leone in the prevention and control of Ebola. This new batch of medical materials was scheduled to be airlifted to Sierra Leone early the next week by a China chartered cargo airplane. On August 11, 2014, a Boeing 747 airplane carrying China-aided emergency humanitarian anti-Ebola medical materials arrived at Lungi International Airport. This batch of medical materials worth 10 million RMB mainly included personal protective equipments, disinfectants, stretchers, thermometers, patient monitors, sprays, and medicines. On August 11, 2014, the aid was sent to the three countries (see Project ID#44754 for 10 million yuan aid to Guinea and Project ID#45062 for 10 million yuan aid to Liberia). On August 12, 2014, Zhao Yanbo, Chinese Ambassador to Sierra Leone, and Foday Sawi Lahai, Deputy Minister of Health and Sanitation of Sierra Leone, signed the handover certificates for the donation. This project is completed and is captured in UNOCHA Financial Tracking Service as Flow ID #118611. This is the second batch of emergency humanitarian anti-Ebola medical materials provided by China: in late April, the Chinese government provided the first batch of medical materials valued at RMB 1 million Yuan (163,000 USD) to support Sierra Leone in the prevention of Ebola (recorded in project #43867).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Sierra Leone [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation [Government Agency]
Sierra Leone Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation [Government Agency]