China sends experts to draft agriculture law in Benin
Funding agency [Type]
Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Agriculture, forestry, fishing (Code: 310)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
China's Foreign Aid 2014 White Paper mentions a team of Chinese agricultural experts dispatched to Benin provided help in drafting the country's Agricultural Law and Agricultural Administration Law. On September 18, 2014, Xinhua reported that the Beninese government planned to soon draft a law on agricultural orientation and food and nutritional security, with a view to promoting the agricultural sector and improving food security. Martin Houndonougbo, secretary general of the Beninese Ministry of Agriculture, estimated that this law will provide a legal and normative framework in the management of the sector. On January 1, 2017, Benin released the National Plan for Agricultural Investments and Food and Nutritional Security (PNIASAN) 2017-2021. The first document of the PNIASAN contains the four framework programs. The legislation passed supporting this plan includes: Law n ° 2016-17 of 04 October 2016 establishing the Chambers of Agriculture in the Republic of Benin Decree n ° 2016‐681 of 07 November 2016 establishing the institutional framework for agricultural development Decree n ° 2016-351 of June 15, 2016 establishing, attributions, organization and functioning of the Office of Studies and Support to the Agricultural Sector (B2A) Decree n ° 442 of July 20, 2016 relating to the attributions, organization and functioning of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Implementing agencies [Type]
Benin Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries [Government Agency]