Chinese Government provides $3.6 million grant for Phase 1 of National Road Improvement Project (Linked to Project ID#64185, #39199)
Commitment amount
$ 5488509.319016583
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 5488509.32
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
China Ministry of Commerce [Government Agency]
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Project lifecycle
In 2008, the Chinese Government provided a $3.6 million (TOP 7 million) grant to the Government of Tonga for Phase 1 of the National Road Improvement Project. The total cost for the project was TOP 16 million. The grant proceeds were used to finance an RMB 21 million construction contract between Yanjian Group and Tonga’s Ministry of Transport, which was signed on June 9, 2008. The purpose of Phase 1 was to construct or reconstruct 9 sections of the Tongatapu Trunk Road measuring 17.137 kilometers in length on the island of Tongatapu. Yanjian Group was the general contractor responsible for implementation. However, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) has also been cited as an implementing agency. Construction began in July 4, 2008 and the project was officially completed and handed over to the local authorities on April 17, 2009. However, construction was not complete until December 2009. Then, an engineering quality inspection by Tonga’s Ministry of Works was undertaken on March 30, 2010.
Additional details
Phase 1 is also known as the Tongatapu Trunk Road Project. The Chinese project title is 汤加王国主岛干线公路升级改造项目 or 援汤加主岛公路升级改造一期工程项目 or 主岛汤加塔布干线公路升级改造项目. The Chinese Government also funded Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the National Road Improvement Project (see Project ID#64185 and ID#39199).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of the Kingdom of Tonga [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) [State-owned Company]
Ministry of Works of the Kingdom of Tonga [Government Agency]
Yanjian Group Co., Ltd. [Private Sector]
Yanjian Group Co., Ltd. [Private Sector]