China pledges to fund Pakistan's atmospheric weather warning system at 200 million US dollars
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Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Other social infrastructure and services (Code: 160)
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Vague TBD
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Further research in 2019 yields a World Bank report published in 2018. The project is named "Pakistan Hydro-meteorological and DRM Services Project" and its sub-project is the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), including the installation of a Weather Surveillance Radar (WSR), Automatic Weather Station (AWS) and Wind Profiler at the premises of the existing Flood Forecasting Division, Regional Meteorological Center at Jail Road Lahore. The sub-project aims to upgrade the observation infrastructure, data management systems and forecasting thus enabling delivery of hydrometeorological information services and early warnings. According to the report, the project is co-financed by the World Bank and Government of Pakistan. --------------------------------------------Previous Research Information--------------------------------------------- It was reported on February 7, 2017, that Pakistan's atmospheric warning project was recently included in the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which will upgrade and replace the old weather radar and early warning system for Pakistan. In June 2016, the Pakistan Meteorological Department formulated the plan to upgrade forecast system at the request of the Prime Minister, but the plan was put on hold due to lack of funds, China recently said it would provide about 200 million US dollars for the project. The Pakistan Meteorological Department also stated that the upgraded radar system will monitor all routes and routes of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and provide weather warning support for corridor construction CPEC website indicates there may be complications with the project, part of the cost may be born by the World Bank Planning Division allocated EWS (unapproved project), Rs. 100.00 million for PSDP Projects 2017-18 EWS stands split between CPEC and World Bank Work is at advance stage with World Bank The components don’t overlap
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