Chinese Government provides $9 million USD loan for Duweim Bridge Construction Project
Commitment amount
$ 20498869.096979726
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 20498869.1
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Level of public liability
Central government debt
Project lifecycle
In 2004, the Chinese Government and the Government of Sudan signed a $9 million USD loan agreement for the Duweim Bridge Construction Project. The borrowing terms of this loan are unknown. However, it seems like the Chinese Government provided additional funding later on because the loan disbursements were estimated to be $2.5 million USD in 2007 and $9.7 million USD in 2008 which is equal to $12.2 million USD. According to an official Chinese SASAC press release, the total project cost was $42.72 million USD. Therefore, the Chinese Government provided at least $9 million USD for this project but potentially more. This project involved the construction of a bridge that it 998 meters long and 13 meters wide. The bridge is located 200 kilometers southwest of Khartoum. It crosses the White Nile River and connects the city of Ed Dueim (الدويم) with the hamlet of Abu Hibera (Abū Hibeira). Poly Technologies Inc. (保利集团) and China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co. Ltd. were the contractors responsible for implementation. When the project officially commenced on 22 March 2007, it was supposed to be complete by 22 March 2009. Two sections of the bridge were completed on 10 December 2010. All sections were officially complete as of 10 March 2011. Then, on 21 May 2011, the bridge passed its final acceptance check. On 7 July 2011, it opened to traffic.
Additional details
This project is also known as the El Dueim Bridge Construction Project, the Duim Bridge Construction Project, the Dueim Bridge Construction Project, and the Duvim Bridge Construction Project. The Chinese project title is 杜韦姆大桥. The Arabic project title is كبري الدويم. If additional funding exists, it probably came from ETCA grants or interest-free loans. These types of "friendship" bridges tend to be 100% financed by China but there is not enough evidence in this case to make the same claim. In September 2004, the Islamic Bank of Development provided $9.4 million USD for this project (see CMI report).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Sudan [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Poly Technologies [State-owned Company]
Sudan Ministry of Transport, Roads, and Bridges [Government Agency]
China Railway 18th Bureau Group Co. Ltd. [State-owned Company]