China grants Mozambique USD $3 million in assistance for the Third Phase of the Technical Assistance Project for the Agriculture Sector (linked to project IDs #57490, #57537, #53168, and #66213)
Commitment amount
$ 3269549.2436360302
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 3269549.24
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
China Ministry of Commerce [Government Agency]
Agriculture, forestry, fishing (Code: 310)
Flow type
Project lifecycle
In 2018, China plans to donate USD $3 million for the agricultural training project which has entered the third phase (农业培训项目). On June 4, 2018, the governments of the Republic of Mozambique and the People's Republic of China signed five legal instruments of cooperation, within the framework of the Joint Commission for the Economic, Technical and Commercial Cooperation between the two countries in Maputo. Under this framework, the Chinese Government agreed to grant USD $100 million to Mozambique for four projects (captured in the umbrella project ID#66213). The agricultural technical assistance project will send Chinese agricultural technicians in fields such as agronomy, agro-processing, livestock, veterinary clinics and laboratories to train Mozambicans. As part of the project, the Chinese government arranges technical personnel in the fields of agricultural economy, agricultural processing, animal husbandry, veterinary clinics and laboratories to guide Mozambican personnel for a period of three years. On October 7, 2021, the Mozambique Academy of Agricultural Sciences held a certificate and farewell ceremony for the third phase of China's aid to Mozambique's senior agricultural expert group, commending the expert group for its contribution to Mozambican agricultural development. Liu Xiaoguang, Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Mozambique, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Since the end of 2018, the 10 experts of the third phase of the China-assisted advanced agricultural training project to Mozambique have carried out a lot of work in high-yield demonstration of rice, development of new varieties of crops and vegetables, agricultural product testing and inspection, and improvement of quality control technology. In particular, great breakthroughs have been made in the production of edible fungi and animal semen detection systems, which have filled a number of technical gaps in Mozambique, obtained a number of local intellectual property rights, trained a large number of technical personnel for Mozambique, and provided much for local and Sino-Mozambican agricultural cooperation projects. The USD $3 million fund is part of the USD $100 million assistance of China to Mozambique to support four development projects in the country. The other three project branches are: construction of the Xai-Xai airport in Gaza province (recorded in project ID#53168), construction of the "Gorongosa Institute of Technology" in Sofala Province (recorded in project ID#57537), and technical assistance for the construction of the "Zimpeto National Stadium" in Maputo (recorded in project ID#57490).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Mozambique [Government Agency]