China National Nuclear Corporation signs framework agreement with Sudan for construction of nuclear power plant
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Funding agency [Type]
Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Energy (Code: 230)
Flow type
Vague TBD
Project lifecycle
From 22 to 23 May 2016, officials from the Chinese National Energy Administration and China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) met with Sudanese government officials and signed a framework agreement for CNNC to help Sudan build a 600 MW nuclear power plant (中核集团为苏丹建首座核电站). Sun Qin, Chairman of China National Nuclear Corporation signed two framework agreements on behalf of CNNC with Sudan ’s Deputy Minister of Water Resources and Electric Power Musa. CNNC will work with the Sudanese Ministry of Water and Power to jointly develop a roadmap for cooperation between the two sides in nuclear power development over the next ten years. As early as 2013, CNNC signed a memorandum of understanding on nuclear power project cooperation with the Sudanese Ministry of Hydropower to discuss related topics such as nuclear power technology solutions, site preparation, and project financing. According to the agreement, China will finance the first phase of Sudan nuclear project. China will provide support to Sudan in the stage of preparatory activities for the construction of the first nuclear plant, training of human resources, site assessment and exploration of uranium. The project implementation phase will take between five and seven years. In September 2017, the Sudan Tribune reported that preliminary surveys to determine the site of the plant had been completed. In 2018, a team from IAEA has spent 8 days mission reviewing Sudanese nuclear power infrastructure development. After the visit, the INIR (Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review) team concluded the readiness of the country to make a knowledgeable commitment to a nuclear power program. Based on the sources found, the project has not started yet.
Additional details
the amount of Chinese financing involved is uncertain. One source mentions that China will finance the first phase of the project, but it is unclear whether by loan or grant.
Number of official sources
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Implementing agencies [Type]
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) [State-owned Company]