[Sino-Congolese Programme] China Eximbank provides funding for technical studies of two bridges as part of the Kalemie Road Rehabilitation and Modernization Project (Linked to Project ID#450, #59214, #85273)
Funding agency [Type]
Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) [State-owned Policy Bank]
Congo (DRC)
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Vague TBD
Project lifecycle
In 2008, China Eximbank issued a $3 billion line of credit to Sino–Congolais des Mines (Sicomines SARL) — a joint venture — to finance infrastructure projects in the DRC (see Project ID#450). All borrowings through this line of credit (framework agreement) are repaid with revenues from mining projects managed by Sicomines SARL. Each subsidiary loan issued through the line of credit carries a maturity of 25 years, a grace period of 10 years, and an interest rate of 6-month LIBOR plus a 1% margin (or 3.839% at the time of the agreement). The infrastructure projects that are supported by this line of credit are collectively referred to as the ‘Sino-Congolese Programme’. One of the subsidiary projects under the ‘Sino-Congolese Programme’ was the funding of the technical studies for the rehabilitation and modernization of two bridges over the Luvilu and Kavilulu rivers on Kalemie Road as part of the Kalemie Road Rehabilitation and Modernization Project (Voirie de Kalemie) in 2017. Democratic Republic of Congo Agence Congolaise des Grands Travaux (ACGT) was the implementing agency. It is unclear whether the project is ongoing or complete. The nature of the financial commitment for this project is also unknown.
Additional details
1. The French name for this project is Etudes techniques de réhabilitation et de modernisation de deux ponts sur les rivières Luvilu et Kavilulu. 2. Phase 1 of the construction of the Kalemie Road Rehabilitation and Modernization Project is captured via Project ID#59214. Phase 2 is captured via Project ID#85273.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Sino–Congolais des Mines (Sicomines SARL) [Joint Venture/Special Purpose Vehicle]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Democratic Republic of Congo Agence Congolaise des Grands Travaux (ACGT) [Government Agency]
Government of Democratic Republic of Congo [Government Agency]