China provides technical assistance to Sierra Leone fisheries
Funding agency [Type]
China Ministry of Agriculture [Government Agency]
Sierra Leone
Agriculture, forestry, fishing (Code: 310)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
On October 30, 2017, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, Yu Kangzhen and Elisabeth Manns, Sierra Leone's Minister of Marine Resources and Fisheries, signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Fishery Cooperation between China and Sierra (中华人民共和国农业部与塞拉利昂共和国海洋资源与渔业部关于渔业合作谅解备忘录). According to the MoU, the two countries will bring the traditional fishery cooperation between the two countries into the framework of intergovernmental cooperation, and lay a solid foundation for the deepening of Sino-Sierra Leonean cooperation in fisheries, and will further promote the healthy and sustainable fishery cooperation between the two countries in a wider field of development. (中国与塞拉利昂签订双边渔业合作备忘录) On June 18, 2018, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China, Yu Kangzhen, and Emma Kowa-Jalloh, Sierra Leone's Minister of Marine Resources and Fisheries held the first joint committee conference in Freetown, Sierra for planning the implementation of the cooperation projects. (首届中塞渔业合作混合委员会会议在塞召开) On September 9, 2019, as part of the commitments made in the MoU, China launched the census of fishing resource in Sierra Leone. In mid-August 2018, the Chinese government sent the “Chinese Fisheries 212”, a specialized fishery resource survey vessel owned by the East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, to arrive at the joint fishery resources survey.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Implementing agencies [Type]
Ministry of Marine Resources and Fisheries (Sierra Leone) [Government Agency]
Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences [Miscellaneous Agency Type]