Chinese Government provides RMB 135 million grant for Disabled Sports Complex Construction Project
Commitment amount
$ 22245689.16673389
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 22245689.17
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
China Ministry of Commerce [Government Agency]
Other social infrastructure and services (Code: 160)
Flow type
Project lifecycle
On April 9, 2018, the Chinese Government and the Government of Mongolia signed letters of exchange, which committed RMB 135 million of grant funding for the Disabled Sports Complex Construction Project. The purpose of this project is to build a sports complex with 3,500 seats that is fully equipped with special equipment for people with disabilities that meets international standards. The facility will include a hotel, a 400 meter outdoor terrace, a 200-bed athletes' dormitory, a dining hall for 150 people, a conference hall, a gymnasium, a world championship gym and a fitness center, and a physical therapy room. An announcement from China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of a bidding process for companies to conduct feasibility study of a sports training center for disabled people was announced on April 23, 2018. Guangzhou International Engineering Consulting later reported that it conducted a feasibility study of the project in Mongolia in April 2019, and that additional work was underway. As of March 2021, construction activities had not yet commenced but preparatory activities were underway.
Additional details
This project is also known as the Construction of a sports complex with special equipment for people with disabilities project. The Chinese project title is 援蒙古残疾人体育项目 or 蒙古残疾人体育项目. The Mongolian project title is “Хөгжлийн бэрхшээлтэй иргэдэд зориулсан тусгай тоноглол бүхий спорт цогцолбор барих” төсөл.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Mongolia [Government Agency]