Project ID: 69109

China Eximbank provides RMB 1.448 billion government concessional loan for Bridging the Demand Supply Balance Gap Through the Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme Project

Commitment amount

$ 236921782.30667314

Adjusted commitment amount

$ 236921782.31

Constant 2021 USD


Funding agency [Type]

Export-Import Bank of China (China Eximbank) [State-owned Policy Bank]




Energy (Code: 230)

Flow type


Level of public liability

Central government debt





Development (The next section lists the possible statuses.)





Financial Flow Classification

ODA-like (The next section lists the possible statuses.)

Official Development Assistance

Other Official Flows

Vague (Official Finance)

Flows categorized based on OECD-DAC guidelines

Project lifecycle


Implementation (The next section lists the possible statuses.)










Actual start



On October 18, 2018, the Chinese Government and the Government of Uganda signed a preferential loan framework agreement for the Bridging the Demand Supply Balance Gap Through the Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme Project. Then, on January 16, 2019 the Government of Uganda and China Eximbank signed an RMB 1,448,000,000 ($212,628,487.52) government concessional loan (GCL) agreement [CHINA EXIMBANK GCL NO.(2018) 25 TOTAL NO.(667)] for the Bridging the Demand Supply Balance Gap Through the Accelerated Rural Electrification Programme Project. The borrowing terms of the GCL are as follows: a 20 year maturity, a 2% interest rate, a 0% default (penalty) interest rate, a 5 year grace period, a 0.25% commitment fee, and a 0.25% (RMB 3,620,000) management fee. The GCL is secured by (collateralized against) a minimum cash balance in a lender-controlled bank account (see staff note #2 for more details). The proceeds of the GCL are to be used by the borrower to finance a $212,669,840.08 commercial contract [REB-TBEA-2017-001] between the Rural Electrification Board of the Government of Uganda’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development and TBEA Co. Ltd, which was signed on October 31, 2017. According to the Government of Uganda’s Aid Management Platform (AMP), this loan achieved a 62% disbursement rate, with China Eximbank making 12 loan disbursements (worth $132,316,646.61) between 2019 and 2022: a $41,414,085.97 disbursement on June 28, 2019, a $11,855,045.16 disbursement on March 25, 2020, a $6,682,545.78 disbursement on April 23, 2020, a $6,086,003.50 disbursement on July 14, 2020, a $9,948,233.42 disbursement on December 24, 2020, a $3,552,289.45 disbursement on November 23, 2021, a $10,257,876.94 disbursement on February 10, 2022, a $4,912,416.45 disbursement on March 31, 2022, a $13,747,342.28 disbursement on April 28, 2022, a $1,772,080.02 disbursement on June 22, 2022, a $3,551,534.31 disbursement on August 17, 2022, and a $18,537,193.33 disbursement on September 27, 2022. According to the Uganda Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development's Report on Public Debt, Grants, Guarantees and Other Financial Liabilities for Financial Year 2021/2022, as of December 31, 2021, total loan disbursements amounted to $87,130,010.23 and the loan’s amount outstanding (including arrears) was $87,130,010.23. This project involves the construction of at least 3,839.68 km of medium voltage (33 kv) transmission lines, 5,921 km of low voltage (0.4 kv) transmission lines, the supply and installation of 3,401 distribution transformers (mounted on poles), and the connection of 168,335 single phase consumers and 4,254 three phase consumers. The project is located in central, southern, western, south western, north eastern, north north western, north eastern, northern, west nile, central northern, Rwenzori, Eastern, and mid–western Uganda. In order to ensure adherence to the ‘Buy Uganda Build Uganda (BuBu) policy', the TBEA Co. Ltd was urged to source all the wooden poles and concrete stubs for the project locally. The ultimate purpose of the project is to connect 632 unserved administrative centers (580 sub-counties and 52 town councils) to the power grid. The project is to be implemented in multiple phases. Phase-I includes the official Project Launch Schemes that were selected to achieve visibility in relatively less served districts. Phase-II includes shorter schemes that can be quickly commissioned to increase project visibility in order to achieve, in a short time, a higher percentage of administrative centers connected and manage public expectations. Phase-III includes the longer lines that will require more resources and time while the rest include schemes that are planned to interconnect with lines that are to be constructed by other REA projects, which are yet to be implemented, especially the World Bank funded Energy for Rural Transformation (ERT III) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) funded UREAP projects. The overall objective is to ensure that all lines for which construction is completed are commissioned within the shortest time possible and handed over to the respective Service Providers for management and commencement of implementation of customer connections. TBEA Co. Ltd is the contractor responsible for project implementation. There are between 39 and 45 local subcontracting firms involved in the project. 60 construction teams and about 1200 workers were also mobilized to various project sites across the country. Spain’s EPTISA is responsible for supervising and managing the project over its three year period of implementation. Phase I construction activities began in May 2020 in the following districts: Kapchorwa, Bugiri, Kibuku, Kumi, Madi Okollo Adjumani, Otuke, Omoro, Kyegegwa, Kassanda, Kiboga, Kagadi, Kibaale, Isingiro, Kanungu, Bundibugyo, Rakai, Manafa, Namutumba and Ntungamo. To date, a total of 17,025 MV pits have been excavated, 15,351 MV wooden poles have been erected, 10,225 MV fittings have been installed, and 856.02 km of MV lines have been strung. Also 29,302 LV pits have been excavated, 27,347 LV wooden poles have been erected, 21,762 LV fittings have been installed, and 978.06 km of lines have been strung. 18 schemes have been fully pre-commissioned, and another 17 have undergone the pre commissioning tests. According to the Government of Uganda’s Aid Management Platform (AMP), the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the implementation of project activities.

Additional details

1. The China Eximbank loan (GCL) agreement can be accessed in its entirety via 2. Section 6.13 of the GCL agreement outlines the collateralization arrangement: "The Borrower undertakes that the repayment of principal and payment of interest and fees under this Agreement shall be credit enhanced and secured by establishing the Repayment Reserve Account and the following arrangements: The Repayment Reserve Account shall be opened in the name of the Borrower at The Export-Import Bank of China. The Repayment Reserve Account shall be used to maintain the Minimum Reserve Amount of funds as a debt service reserve as required by the Lender and the Lender shall be entitled to monitor the Repayment Reserve Account and utilize the funds in the Repayment Reserve Account to pay and repay the interest, fee and principal payable by the borrower upon the occurrence of an Event of Default. The Borrower shall, prior to the first Disbursement of the Loan, deposit into and maintain in the Repayment Reserve Account an amount no less than the highest annual amount of interest and fee due and payable under the Loan Agreement, and shall, during the Grace Period, maintain such amount in the Repayment Reserve Account; and the Borrower, during the Repayment Period, shall deposit into and maintain in the Repayment Reserve Account an amount not less than the highest annual amount of interest and fee due and payable under the Loan Agreement. Whenever the balance of the Repayment Reserve Account is less than the Minimum Reserve Amount, the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development shall make up such shortage immediately." 3. The Government of Uganda’s agreement code for the GCL agreement is L-0722. The system identification number in the Government of Uganda’s Aid Management Platform (AMP) is 872992412774. The Government of Uganda’s internal loan identification number for this China Eximbank GCL is DMFAS No: 20894000. 4. This project is also known as the Accelerated Rural Electrification Project and the BDSGAREP Project. 5. This China Eximbank loan is not included in the China’s Overseas Development Finance Dataset that Boston University's Global Development Policy Center published in December 2020. 6. According to Uganda's National Budget Framework Paper for FY 2019/20 the forecasted disbursement for this project for 2018/19, 2019/20, and 2020/21 is US$85.05 million, US$242.57 million, and US$224.00 million, respectively.

Number of official sources


Number of total sources


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Direct receiving agencies [Type]

Government of Uganda [Government Agency]

Implementing agencies [Type]

TBEA Co., Ltd. [Private Sector]

Ugandan Rural Electrification Agency [Government Agency]


Minimum cash balance in a lender-controlled bank account.

Loan Details


20 years

Interest rate


Grace period

5 years

Grant element (OECD Grant-Equiv)


Bilateral loan

Government Concessional Loan

Investment project loan