CCEC and CREC sponsor training program for 50 Ethiopian and Djiboutian train drivers
Funding agency [Type]
China National Complete Engineering Corporation of China (CCEC) [State-owned Company]
China Railway Group Limited (CREC) [State-owned Company]
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Scholarships/training in the donor country
Project lifecycle
On July 10, 2018, 50 prospective train drivers from Ethiopia and Djibouti began a Chinese-state owned railway company-sponsored training program. The training will be focused on how to manage rail operations, and was conducted to create a skilled force of local workers to operate the Ethiopia-Djibouti electrified rail line. The sponsors are CCEC and CREC. This training is a part of a larger air framework that has already sent over 5500 Ethiopians to different training programs. More training programs for railway drivers are to be conducted through a planned railway academy. The training was offered jointly by Chinese Companies named CCEC and CREC as per agreements they signed with the Ethio-Djibouti Railway Company. It is reported that 34 Ethiopian train drivers and an unspecified number of Djiboutian drivers came to Zhengzhou Railway Vocational & Technical College in October of 2019. These staff members were trained as professional train drivers of Ethiopia-Djibouti rail line. On June 1, members began on-site internship and practicing after 7 months' theoretical stud. On May 4, 2021, 34 Ethiopian drivers graduated and were inaugurated to become train drivers in Addis Abba. However, it is not clear how many or whether any Djiboutian drivers had graduated.
Additional details
Ethiolive report states that "the training was offered jointly by Chinese Companies named CCEC and CERC as per agreements they signed with the Ethio-Djibouti Railway Company." However, CERC was not found (it is likely a mistranslation for CREC).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Djibouti [Government Agency]
Government of Ethiopia [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Zhengzhou Railway Vocational & Technical College [Government Agency]