Chinese Government Signs Sports Cooperation Agreement with Cuban Government
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Funding agency [Type]
General Administration of Sport of China [Government Agency]
Other social infrastructure and services (Code: 160)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
On 22 April, 2013, the governments of China and Cuba signed the "Sports Cooperation Agreement between the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China and the National Sports and Entertainment Committee of the Republic of Cuba". The Chinese agreement name is 中华人民共和国国家体育总局与古巴共和国全国体育与娱乐委员会体育合作协议. Among the various provisions of the agreement are several that involve technical assistance by China to Cuba. For example, the agreement will include the exchange of advisory and scientific information, trainers' formation. In addition to high profile sports, the agreement will include cooperation between sports universities and promoting sport culture. Lastly, table tennis, badminton, diving, and gymnastics assistance and training will be provided through the Chinese government to Cuban participants, in exchange for Cuban experts providing training in boxing, judo, baseball and volleyball. The two sides expressed that they will strengthen coordination and cooperation in the International Olympic Committee, individual committees, and other international sports affairs to jointly promote the development of global sports. While the exact implementation date is unclear, Angel Antonio Rodriguez, secretary of the Cuban Table Tennis Federation, noted in January of 2022 that China had, in fact, helped with field training in the sport—suggesting that implementation of the promised collaboration had at least begun on this front.
Additional details
This agreement appears to differ from that recorded in inactive project #39702, which details the training of Chinese athletes in Cuba in preparation for the 2016 Olympic Games.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Implementing agencies [Type]
National Sports and Entertainment Committee of the Republic of Cuba [Government Agency]