Members of constitutional court attend public administration seminar in China
Funding agency [Type]
Chinese Academy of Governance (国家行政学院) [Government Agency]
Government and civil society (Code: 150)
Flow type
Scholarships/training in the donor country
Project lifecycle
From November 16 to December 13, 2015, the Training Center of the National Academy of Governance in China (国家行政学院) hosted a Foreign Civil Servants Training Course, which was attended by four magistrates from the Plurinational Constitutional Court (Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional/TCP) and sixteen court officials. The course was one of China's Human Resource Development Cooperation Programs and covered the following subjects: structure of the Chinese government and reforms to the administrative system, microeconomics in China, theory and application of public administration, China's foreign policy, and strategies and policies to alleviate and reduce poverty in China. The purpose was to expand cooperation between the judiciaries of the two, in addition to consolidating friendship and trust between the countries. The course was specially designed for the TCP. The magistrates' attendance was cause for controversy in Bolivia, resulting in three of the four returning two weeks prior to the end of the training. The controversy arose because, as a result of the trip, the court was unable to reach quorum. Additionally, only 7 of 16 officials had met requirements for traveling abroad.
Additional details
MigalhasLatinoamérica reports that "each magistrate received Bs 6,000 in travel expenses for their trip," but it is unclear if this was paid by the Bolivian or Chinese government.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Implementing agencies [Type]
Bolivian Plurinational Constitutional Court (TCP) [Government Agency]