Stage 2 of Angel of Peace 2010 humanitarian mission conducted by Chinese military doctors and Peruvian Army (linked to #72911)
Funding agency [Type]
People's Liberation Army of China [Government Agency]
Health (Code: 120)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
From November 24 to 29, 2010, military doctors from the People's Liberation Army of China and the Peruvian Army provided medical procedures for four thousand residents of Villa María del Triunfo. These procedures included those in the fields of gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, dentistry, traumatology, general medicine, internal medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and others. The operation utilized materials granted alongside a mobile field hospital, captured in project #72911. The team consisted of 25 experts from China and 50 from Peru. This is the second stage of the humanitarian mission "Angel of Peace 2010" (“Ángel de Paz 2010”). The first stage was the technical assistance associated with the grant of the field hospital and medical supplies, again captured in project #72911.
Additional details
Although military is involved with this project, due to the wholly humanitarian purpose, intent is coded as development and flow class ODA-like. Andina reports, in "Ejércitos de Perú y China concluyen operación de acción humanitaria conjunta en Lima," an approximately 1.3 million USD grant of medical supplies along with their reporting on the second stage of the Angel of Peace 2010 mission. However, it is ambiguous whether this figure refers to the materials from the first stage of the project, or if it means additional materials were provided through this stage. Given other sources do not report additional material donations in stage 2, and to defer to more conservative estimates, this has not been recorded as the transaction amount.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Peru Ministry of Defense (Ministerio de Defensa) (MINDEF) [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Peru Armed Forces (Fuerzas Armadas de la República del Perú) [Government Agency]
Peru Ministry of Defense (Ministerio de Defensa) (MINDEF) [Government Agency]