Chinese Government provides RMB 14.6 million grant for Phase II of Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center Project (Linked to #22643)
Commitment amount
$ 3202676.719493752
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 3202676.72
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
China Ministry of Commerce [Government Agency]
Agriculture, forestry, fishing (Code: 310)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
On 25 January 2008, Chinese Ambassador Li Chengwen and Sudan's Agriculture and Forests Minister Alaghbash signed a grant agreement for Phase I of the Agricultural Technology Demonstration Center Project in Al Faw (الفاو) district within Al Qadarif State. Phase I of the project was reportedly financed with an RMB 40 million grant from the Chinese Government (See Project #22643). Phase II was financed with a separate RMB 14.6 million grant from China’s Ministry of Commerce. It is unclear when they committed to financing Phase II. Phase I involved the construction of demonstration center sitting on 60 hectares of land. It was used for improving crop yields, production demonstrations, and personnel training. A groundbreaking ceremony for Phase I took place on 11 April 2009 and works were completed in March 2011. Following construction, the center moved into Phase II, technical cooperation and operation. This involves sending teams of Chinese experts to the center in Sudan to oversee operations and train locals. It is unclear when these teams began working in Sudan or whether they are still there.
Additional details
The Chinese project title is 苏丹农业技术示范中心项目. Phase I is captured in Project #22643 and Phase II is captured in Project #85314. None of the attached sources actually provide the 14.6 million RMB transaction amount. This figure came from the description of Project #22643 which was originally a combination of both phases. It is unclear which source houses this amount.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Sudan [Government Agency]