Project ID: 85317

[China Co-Financing Fund] IDB administers $50 million loan from CHC for Distribution Network Rehabilitation Program

Commitment amount

$ 55354761.570424415

Adjusted commitment amount

$ 55354761.57

Constant 2021 USD


Funding agency [Type]

People's Bank of China (PBC) [Government Agency]




Energy (Code: 230)

Flow type


Level of public liability

Central government debt





Development (The next section lists the possible statuses.)





Financial Flow Classification

ODA-like (The next section lists the possible statuses.)

Official Development Assistance

Other Official Flows

Vague (Official Finance)

Flows categorized based on OECD-DAC guidelines

Project lifecycle


Completion (The next section lists the possible statuses.)










Actual start


Actual complete



On July 31, 2014, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed two loan contracts with the Government of Ecuador for the Distribution Network Rehabilitation Program: a $170 million loan that IDB issued from its ordinary capital (Loan 3188/OC-EC), and a $50 million loan from the People's Bank of China (Loan 3188/CH-EC) via the China Co-Financing Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (CHC). The IDB identified the total anticipated project cost as $248,475,520, and noted that the Government of Ecuador was expected to provide $28,475,520 of counterpart financing. Then, on September 30, 2015, the IDB provided an additional loan for the improvement of the National Distribution System (SND) with funding from the IDB’s ordinary capital and the CHC (captured via Project ID#85318). The IDB approval date for its loan financing was June 12, 2014, and it refers to this project as ‘EC-L1136 : Distribution Network Rehabilitation Program’. The $50 million CHC loan that was issued on July 31, 2014 carries the following borrowing terms: a 25-year maturity, a 13.5-year grace period, a 0.75% commitment (credit) fee, no management fee, and an annual interest rate of 3-month LIBOR plus a 0.04% funding margin (also known as the ‘Bank’s Cost of Funding’) and a 0.85% IDB lending spread. The first loan repayment date was scheduled for December 15, 2027 and the loan’s final maturity date is June 15, 2039. Four disbursements of the CHC loan were made to Ecuador's Ministry of Finance on the following dates: a $47 million disbursement on August 20, 2014, a $450,000 disbursement on June 16, 2016, and a $2,467,960 disbursement on November 27, 2017, and a $82,040 disbursement on December 12, 2018. The project took 60 months to execute, from the first disbursement (of the IDB loan) to the date of closure on August 2, 2019. This project falls within the framework of a greater overall effort by the Government of Ecuador (Plan Maestro de Electrificación (PME) 2013-2022) to expand the country's electrical system. The project consisted of several major components. The first, which used about 95% of the funding, was to increase both the capacity and reliability of the National Distribution System, by improving current or building new substations (79 total), 187.4 km of subtransmission lines, and 3,798.4 km of distribution lines; as well as other various projects to these ends. All of the funds from the CHC were spent on this portion of the project, with $49,975,701 spent on improvements to the sub-transmission network and $24,299 spent on inspection services for financed works. The second component was focused on contributing to the development of strategy to promote the migration from liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to electricity in the residential sector. The third component was holding training courses for local electric distribution company personnel about operation and maintenance of the SND. These two components were exclusively financed by the IDB's ordinary capital and the Government of Ecuador. The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (Ministerio de Electricidad y Energía Renovable/MEER) was responsible for project implementation, and it worked with local electric distribution companies (EEDs) to complete the project. A complete list of twenty-one EEDs that received funds from the IDB ordinary capital and the China Co-Financing Fund loans to help complete the project can be found on page 9 of ‘EC-L1136 Estado Inversiones Acumuladas y Flujos de Efectivo al 30 Junio 2019’. Additionally, the National Electricity Council (Consejo Nacional de Electricidad/CONELEC) provided technical support.

Additional details

1. The CHC loan contract can be accessed in its entirety via 2. The Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy/Ministerio de Electricidad y Energía Renovable/MEER is now the Ministry of Energy and Non Renewable Natural Resources/Ministerio de Energía y Recursos Naturales No Renovables/MERNNR. 3. The China Co-Financing Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean was established on January 14, 2013 with a contribution of $2 billion by the People's Bank of China. It is administered by the IDB. For more information, see umbrella Project ID#86526. 4. According to the CHC loan contract, the ‘Bank's Cost of Funding’ means a cost margin calculated quarterly relative to a three (3)-month LIBOR Dollar Interest Rate, using the weighted average cost of funding instruments applicable to the Flexible Financing Facility, expressed in terms of an annual percentage, as determined by the Bank. AidData identified this cost margin via 5. AidData has estimated the all-in interest rate (1.22%) by adding average 3-month LIBOR in the third quarter of 2014 (0.23%) to the funding margin during the third quarter of 2014 (0.04%) and the IDB lending spread during the third quarter of 2014 (0.85%). 6. The IDB lending spread data are drawn from

Number of official sources


Number of total sources


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Cofinancing agencies [Type]

Inter-American Development Bank [Intergovernmental Organization]

Direct receiving agencies [Type]

Government of the Republic of Ecuador [Government Agency]

Implementing agencies [Type]

Ministerio de Electricidad y Energía Renovable (MEER) (Ecuador) [Government Agency]

Ecuador National Electricity Council [Miscellaneous Agency Type]

China Co-Financing Fund for Latin America and the Caribbean (CHC) [Intergovernmental Organization]

Loan Details


25 years

Interest rate


Grace period

14 years

Grant element (OECD Grant-Equiv)


Bilateral loan

Investment project loan