CNPC Dagang finances and renovate roads in Niamey for Niger's "Niamey Nyala" Program
Funding agency [Type]
CNPC Dagang Niger Engineering Sarl. (DGE) [State-owned Company]
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
In 2019, CNPC Dagang Niger Engineering Sarl. (DGE), a Niger-based subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation, financed and implemented the renovation of four sections of road for the City of Niamey as part of Niger's "Niamey Nyala" Program (French: Niamey la coquette), a beautification and urban renewal campaign for Niamey, the capital of Niger, launched by President of Niger Mahamadou Issoufou. The renovation of the road would advance the goals of the program, while also helping relieve traffic. The renovations covered four sections of road in Niamey: a section from Commissariat Central to the crossing at the Total Terminus Station in the Terminus district, where cleaning, garbage collection, and the redevelopment of the gutters and roads was set to be carried out; a section on Avenue Africa, near the police academy; a section in the Maison Economique district, from the roundabout behind the Commissariat Central to the Pharmacie Maison Economique, as well as two secondary alleys, one of which was opposite Marina Market, were to be asphalted, and the road from the former Rivoli hotel to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Niger (CCIN), which was set to be rehabilitated; and a section in front of the General Directorate of Customs to Niger Lait SA in the Industrial Zone. The total work on these four sections amounted to the renovation of 300 meters of road and 15 meters of cover culvert. The renovation began on December 22, 2019.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Niger [Government Agency]
Implementing agencies [Type]
CNPC Dagang Niger Engineering Sarl. (DGE) [State-owned Company]