[China-Venezuela Joint Fund} China funds USD 1.045 Billion El Vigia (Don Luis Zambrano Thermoelectric) Power Plant (linked to project ID#37833, 58677)
Funding agency [Type]
China Development Bank (CDB) [State-owned Policy Bank]
Energy (Code: 230)
Flow type
Level of public liability
Other public sector debt
Project lifecycle
On September 3, 2010, CAMCE signed the construction contract for the Don Luis Zambrano Thermoelectric power plant (Spanish: Planta Termoeléctrica Don Luis Zambrano or Termoeléctrica El Vigia, Chinese: 比西亚). It was part of an allocation of USD 5.5 billion from the China Venezuela Joint Fund to build power plants (see project ID#37833). According to CAMCE, the original contract was worth USD 956 million. According to a 2018 National Assembly report, the original investment was USD 804 million. The cost eventually expanded to USD 1.045 billion. The first turbine was put into use on July 31, 2013. The second turbine was connect on November 25, 2013. The third turbine was connected on January 27, 2015. The project reached full load on July 10, 2015. By this point, the total government investment in the project had increased to USD 1.145 billion. The primary contractor was CAMC. China Energy Engineering Company (CEEC) and WorleyParsons also worked on the project. The project involved two 200 MW combined cycle Siemens turbines, and one 170 MW steam turbine. This project had a number of issues. The attorney for CAMC was called before a special commission of the National Assembly on May 4, 2016, to account for the massive cost overruns on this and other CAMC projects in Venezuela. The special commission also found that while costs had reached USD 1.145 billion, the value of the work done was only USD 317 million, a 60% markup. It was alleged in a 2019 lawsuit in Andorra that CAMC paid bribes worth EUR 31 million to secure the Don Zambrano contract. There was a fire on March 12, 2018 that destroyed turbines 1 and 3. By 2021, the plant was generating very little electricity despite promises from Maduro to improve its capacity to 450 MW and efforts to restore the second and third turbines.
Additional details
1. This project is called "Termoeléctrica Don Luis Zambrano" or "Termoeléctrica de El Vigía" in Spanish and "比西亚" in Chinese. Vigia is the town the plant is located in. Most Venezuelan sources use the name "Zambrano" in reference to the project, whereas Chinese sources typically use "Vigia" or "比西亚". 2. This project is linked to project ID#58677, the China-Venezuela Joint Fund, and project ID#37833, an umbrella project capturing power plants funded by the China-Venezuela joint fund. 3. Because this project is funded by the joint fund, there is no transaction amount recorded.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Banco de Desarrollo Económico y Social de Venezuela (BANDES) [State-owned Bank]
China-Venezuela Joint Fund [State-owned Fund]
Implementing agencies [Type]
CORPOELEC [State-owned Company]
China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CAMCE) [State-owned Company]
WorleyParsons Ltd. (USA) [Private Sector]
China Energy Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (CEEC) [State-owned Company]
China-Venezuela Joint Fund [State-owned Fund]
Collateral provider [Type]
Pétroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA) [State-owned Company]
Venezuela undertakes through PDVSA to sell fuel and / or crude oil in accordance with the oil contract (s) to ChinaOil in quantities not less than 230,000 barrels per day, by the date on that the obligations assumed with respect to the facilities have been completed and unconditionally fulfilled by BANDES; ChinaOil will deposit the money for the purchase of crude oil and fuel directly into the collection account opened and maintained by the BANDES and CDB.
Loan Details
Interest rate