Chinese government sends medical expert team in May 2020 to Zimbabwe (Linked to Project ID#93329)
Funding agency [Type]
Unspecified Chinese Government Institution [Government Agency]
Health (Code: 120)
Flow type
Free-standing technical assistance
Project lifecycle
On May 11, 2020, a 12-person medical expert team sent by the Chinese government arrived in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe, with emergency aid materials (See Project ID#93329). Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe Guo Shaochun, Zimbabwe’s Local Government Minister, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the Deputy Minister of Health met the team at the airport. A welcome and handover ceremony for donated anti-epidemic materials was held. During the welcome ceremony, Ambassador Guo thanked the Hunan Provincial Government and several hospitals for forming the aid team. Throughout their stay in Zimbabwe, the expert group visited medical institutions in the four provinces of Harare, Mashonaland East, and Mashona Central Key and Mashonaland West. During these visits the medical team distributed medical supplies to the hospitals they visited (See Project ID#93329). The expert group also carried out work with the Zimbabwean Anti-Epidemic Inter-Ministerial Joint Working Group, the Ministry of Health, the Harare City Prevention and Control Command Organization, the Harare Community Prevention and Control Organization, and the World Health Organization Representative Office in Zimbabwe. The expert group also inspected the designated hospitals for COVID-19 in Harare and trained medical staff on prevention, control, and diagnosis and treatment for COVID-19. On May 13, 2020, the medical expert held an exchange and discussion with the Tianjin Anti-Epidemic Inter-Ministerial Working Group and the Tianjin Ministry of Health on epidemic prevention and control. Ambassador Guo Shaochun, the Vice President of Zimbabwe, the Defense Minister, and eight other cabinet ministers and senior officials attended the event. On May 25, 2020, the medical expert team in Zimbabwe completed their work and left Zimbabwe for Equatorial Guinea on a chartered flight. The Chinese Ambassador to Zimbabwe, Guo Shaochun, Zimbabwe’s Information Minister, and the Deputy Minister of Health went to the airport to see off the expert group.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Government of Zimbabwe [Government Agency]