Bank of China participates in $675 million syndicated secured loan agreement for Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal Project
Commitment amount
$ 95178084.09101734
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 95178084.09
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
Bank of China (BOC) [State-owned Commercial Bank]
Transport and storage (Code: 210)
Flow type
Level of public liability
Project lifecycle
On September 17, 2013, Gunvor Group and a group of banks signed a $675 million syndicated secured facility agreement for the Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal Project. Credit Suisse International acted as Coordinator and Mandated Lead Arranger (“MLA”); Gazprombank (Open Joint–stock Company), Raiffeisen Bank International AG, ZAO Raiffeisenbank, Natixis, Bank of China (UK) Limited as MLA; ABN AMRO Bank N.V. as Lead Arranger and VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG as Arranger. The Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal in Leningrad Oblast is considered to be the largest rail/ocean transshipment terminal in the world, with a projected capacity of more than 30 million metric tons per annum. Gunvor Group managed its construction, development and the successful commencement of its operations for the transshipment of fuel oil since 2011 and light products since May 2013. Then, on August 28, 2013, Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal completed the first loading of a vessel from its new third jetty, which is capable of serving large tankers with a capacity of up to 300,000 deadweight tons. When fully completed, Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal was expected to have a total storage capacity of about 960,000 cubic meters. It was also expected to be able to simultaneously discharge four 72-railtank car trains and two 47-railtank car trains for fuel oil, and two 72-railtank car trains for light products, with more than one kilometer of berthing space available. Construction of the terminal was ultimately completed in 2015. Then, in October 2017, Transneft bought a 25% ownership stake in Ust-Luga Oil Products Terminal from businessman Andrei Bokarev.
Additional details
1. The exact size of Bank of China’s contribution to the the loan syndicate is unknown. For the time being, AidData assumes equal contributions ($84,375,000) across the eight known members of the syndicate.
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Cofinancing agencies [Type]
Credit Suisse International (CSi) [Private Sector]
Gazprombank [State-owned Bank]
Raiffeisen Bank International AG [Private Sector]
Natixis [Private Sector]
ABN AMRO Bank NV [Private Sector]
AO Raiffeisenbank [Private Sector]
VTB Bank (Deutschland) AG [State-owned Bank]
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
Gunvor Group Ltd [Private Sector]
Implementing agencies [Type]
Gunvor Group Ltd [Private Sector]