CMB Wing Lung Bank contributes $22 million to a syndicated loan to State Bank of India (Hong Kong) for general corporate and working capital purposes (Linked to Project ID#96699)
Commitment amount
$ 36900140.8862021
Adjusted commitment amount
$ 36900140.89
Constant 2021 USD
Funding agency [Type]
CMB Wing Lung Bank [State-owned Commercial Bank]
Business and other services (Code: 250)
Flow type
Level of public liability
Other public sector debt
Project lifecycle
In June 2016, CMB Wing Lung Bank contributed $22 million in a $500 million syndicated loan to the State Bank of India (Hong Kong), an Indian state-owned bank. The loan had a three-year term (maturity) and the interest rate for this loan was 1.692%. Its other borrowing terms are unknown. Joint book-runners and mandated lead arrangers included BNP Paribas, Bank of America, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Citi, DBS, HSBC, National Bank of Abu Dhabi, and Wells Fargo Bank. 77 Bank, Bank of Taiwan, Hua Nan Commercial Bank, KGI Bank, Land Bank of Taiwan, Shikoku Bank, and CMB Wing Lung Bank joined the syndicate as mandated lead arrangers. See project ID#96813 for CMB Wing Lung Bank's contribution which was $22 million. The loan proceeds were to be used by the borrower for general corporate and working capital purposes. The leads collectively retained 60% of the deal on their books, with Bank of America Merrill Lynch keeping $50m, Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ $40m, and Wells Fargo $37.875m. BNP Paribas, Citi, DBS, HSBC, and National Bank of Abu Dhabi took $35.025m each. Among incoming lenders, the Bank of China received the maximum amount of $80m, while the Bank of Taiwan took $30m, Wing Lung Bank $22m, and Hua Nan Commercial Bank and KGI Bank $20m each. Land Bank of Taiwan and 77 Bank were allotted $10m apiece and Chugoku Bank received $5m.
Additional details
1. As of March 2017, the Government of India held around 61.23% equity shares in the State Bank of India. The Life Insurance Corporation of India, itself state-owned, is the largest non-promoter shareholder in the company with 8.82% shareholding. 2. This loan carried a 1.692% interest rate (AidData calculated the interest rate as follows: 0.842% [6-month LIBOR in June 2009] + 0.85% [85 basis points] = 1.692%).
Number of official sources
Number of total sources
Cofinancing agencies [Type]
Bank of China (BOC) [State-owned Commercial Bank]
BNP Paribas S.A. [Private Sector]
Bank of America Corporation [Private Sector]
MUFG Bank, Ltd. (Formerly Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. (BTMU)) [Private Sector]
Development Bank of Singapore (DBS) [Private Sector]
HSBC [Private Sector]
National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBA) [State-owned Bank]
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. [Private Sector]
The 77 Bank, Ltd. [Private Sector]
Bank of Taiwan [State-owned Bank]
KGI Bank [Private Sector]
Land Bank of Taiwan Co., Ltd. (LBOT) [State-owned Bank]
Shikoku Bank [Private Sector]
Citibank N.A. [Private Sector]
Hua Nan Commercial Bank, Ltd. (HNCB) [Private Sector]
Direct receiving agencies [Type]
State Bank of India (Hong Kong) [State-owned Bank]
Loan Details
3 years
Interest rate
Grant element (OECD Grant-Equiv)